June 28
Today's passage from Psalms is quite rewarding. It is great that the entire year is filled with a daily reading from the Psalms since they act like a daily spiritual renewal and reflection upon the greatness of our God. Today's Psalm speaks to where we should place our trust. Psalm 146 opens with a exclamation of praise, declaring where our trust dwells. In verse 3 we see that even the most influential and "important" of people are not a place to put our ultimate confidence in, they are mortal just as we are! Next the Psalmist contrasts earthly rulers with our heavenly Lord. The Lord God is the one who made everything and "keeps faith forever". Not only is he eternal in his being, he is also infinite in justice, "who executes justice for the oppressed, who gives food to the hungry". It is good to know that no matter how bad things get here, our Lord will one day set them right... We then see that he grants salvation and favor by opening the eyes of the blind, lifting up those who are brought low, watching over the 'sojourners' (which kind of means homeless, but really can mean anyone who wanders this world like it is not their home). the Psalmist ends by stating a wonderful truth "the Lord will reign forever". Our great king will reign forever. We have a reason to hope and rejoice in the kingdom of God!
With all of the turmoil in the world, and nation threatening to wipe out nation, the only place we can find real security is the Lord. His kingdom is the one that can't be taken over.