Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1 -- hook in the nose

Hooked by the nose: 2 Kings 18:13-19:37

Ready to be bound or die for the Lord: Acts 21:1-17

Let the saints rejoice in his honor: Psalm 149:1-9

Gossip is like food: Proverbs 18:8

When I read stuff like in Acts 21, I can’t help but think about how cushy our lives are in America. We have no persecution for being a Christian, especially in Alabama. But Paul was willing to do whatever the Holy Spirit guided him to do for the Lord, even though it meant his life would be in danger.

I believe our country is slowly heading towards a day when Christians will be persecuted. If it happens in our lifetimes, I’d like to think we’d have enough spiritual mettle to stand up for the Lord with a no-matter-what, no-matter-who kind of ‘tude.

But the million dollar question is: why don’t we go ahead and stand up for the Lord now, when it doesn’t hurt us?

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