Who ordered the frog legs? Exodus 8:1-9:35
Rich enough to order frog legs: Matthew 19:13-30
Frog legs belong to the Lord: Psalm 24:1-10
Try not to owe your brother frog legs: Proverbs 6:1-5
It’s hard to imagine Pharaoh being so bull headed that he wouldn’t let the Israelites go after all of that. If you noticed, God made it so that some of the plagues harmed only the Egyptians and not the Israelites. Even that wasn’t enough for Pharaoh to get the point.
Of course, that was so God could use Pharaoh as an example of God’s glory. Pharaoh, who thought he was the most powerful person in the land, eventually learned that he’s on the losing side. The greatest became last.
Then in Matthew, Jesus taught that “many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first”. He also taught that even when we think we’re living good enough lives to get into Heaven, it’s still not enough. Only Jesus lived a truly perfect life. Only Jesus can earn Heaven. It’s a good thing He lets us join Him for the ride!
He also said that those who follow Him get to sit at the throne with Him. Of course, it means living it like you mean it, even if the people around us don’t like it.
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