Get out of here now! Exodus 12:14-13:16
Hey, mountain, go throw yourself in the sea! Matthew 20:29-21:22
Look upon my affliction: Psalm 25:16-22
Wink, wink: Proverbs 6:12-15
As huge as the story from Exodus is, especially to me having sons, the teaching from Jesus in Matthew is what really gets me. The word “faith” in verse 21 means a firm relying trust. Also, verse 21 has “I tell you the truth” in the NIV version, or as many of our forefathers read in the King James version, “verily I say unto you”. This was Jesus’ way of saying, “listen up, what I’m about to say is pretty darn important”. In other words, Jesus really, really wants us to know that if we have enough faith in Him we can move a mountain just by telling it to! And really, it’s not that hard to grasp when we think about the fact that Jesus made the mountain & everything else.
Would it be so insane to think that I, a programmer, can create an application that can do anything & everything to whatever database I want? That may not be true, but what about to any database that I created? Now it sounds reasonable. If I created it & have complete control over it, I can create another tool that gives you whatever access I want you to have to it.
If I told one of my computer users that they can do this or that with the application I created, monkeying with the database in Birmingham I created, can they trust what I said? Of course! They do it all the time because they know that I created both the software that they’re using and the database that they’re trying to manipulate through the software.
If little ol’ me can be trusted when I tell my clients what they can do through things I create, how much more can Jesus, the Lord God Almighty, Adonai (which means the Creator of all things) be trusted when He tells us that if we had enough faith in Him we could move a mountain!
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