Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19, 2009 (Sunday)

April 19

Today's passage relays the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem... we celebrated this day several weeks ago with palm sunday.  The important thing to remember concerning the triumphal entry is that it is Jesus declaring himself to be the promised Messiah, but not in the way people were expecting.  Jesus is indeed the promised King, riding in triumphantly into the city of Jerusalem, on the way to his final victory over death. Yet, he is riding in on a donkey instead of a majestic horse. Jesus is showing that he will overcome evil and the powers of this world by becoming a servant.  Jesus will be exalted because he has humbled himself. And of course there is the spontaneous outburst of praise from the disciples. They are rebuked, and Jesus remarks that if they are silent even the rocks will cry out. Indeed, this is because the very creation is ready to praise the King and Lord over all that God has created. Our God is indeed majestic and great. 

Then there is the story of Jesus clearing the temple.  This story is wonderful since it shows the Lord's passion for the worship of the true God. Nothing may distract the purposes of the worship of God.  Jesus has the right and passion for the temple since he is divine. He has the right to clear the temple because he is himself God.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus always deserves honor and praise! There is nothing else like Him! Had He been the kind of king they expected, He wouldn't be worshipped today. I'm so glad they were wrong about Him. :)
