Friday, April 24, 2009

"I have a message from God for you" [April 24 (Friday)]

April 24
In today's passage we have one of the most exciting and funny stories in the Bible. The Israelites had been under King Eglon of the Moabites because of their rebellion for 18 years. But the Israelites cried out to God and he sent them Ehud. Ehud goes to pay tribute to the king, but has a knife strapped to his thigh. Ehud then tells Eglon "I have a message from God for you" and proceeds to take out his knife and stab him in the gut, yet Eglon is 'a very fat man', we read and the knife basically is swalloed up with fat, then Ehud gets away while Eglon's attendants think he is using the bathroom. Then there's 80 years of peace and a single verse about a man named Shamgar who killed 600 Philistines with an oxgoad. An oxgoad?

The passage from the gospels is also very fascinating. Two things happen here. Jesus begins the practice of the Lord's Supper, transforming the passover meal into a meal that celebrates his own sacrifice. Yet, at the same time we get the indication that two of his disciples, Judas and Peter, will betray him.  Even though the disciples were the closest to Jesus, even these would not be perfectly loyal. This both makes me think about the gravity of my own lack of obedience, but also comforts me in knowing that even these great men messed up at times. But we must desire to be like Peter and not like Judas and come back to God pleading for forgiveness and not let our sin lead us to despair.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, Matt. It's comforting to know that even Peter had his hiccup moments. Yet, it's uncomfortable to know that Jesus knows my sin even before I'm tempted.

    Bible geek info: oxgoad in Judges 3:31 comes from two words that literally translate to "ox teacher" or "ox pole". It's a pole used to steer an ox while it's plowing for you.
