Monday, May 18, 2009

May 17, 2009 (Monday)

May 17
In today's passage from John we can see that things are beginning to get tense.  It's actually still kind of surprising when you start reading this story to see where it goes. Everything starts out so wonderfully. Jesus encounters a man born blind. Jesus tells his disciples that this man was born for the purpose of displaying God's power. God has the power to destroy the impact of sin and when Jesus was in the world he was showing us exactly what the kingdom of God is. One thing we learn here is that the kingdom of God is about healing. In the new creation there is no more evil, illness, pain and death. Jesus is defeating all of these... but then! After this wonderful story we read of the Pharisees once again coming in to rain on the parade and to find a way to condemn Jesus. This is the exact opposite of what should be going on. God wishes to bless the world through Israel and the religious leaders are trying to scoff and tear down the work of Jesus. It's a battle they cannot and will not win.

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I ready John 9:27 I chuckle. :) I can imagine the looks on the Pharisees' faces when the healed man innocently asks, "Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his dPisciples, too?"
