Good Saturday morning! Nothing like starting the weekend with the Word!
Methodists didn’t start the practice of eating together :) :Leviticus 22:17-23:44
Cut off your hand: Mark 9:30-10:12
I do not trust in my bow: Psalm 44:1-8
Shut up -- talk is sinful: Proverbs 10:19
Jesus is really cool in His ability to give everybody a chance to be the greatest. If you think about it, much of society, especially in Jesus’ day, lifts up only the individuals who are privileged to being born in the best family or to gain the most wealth. The disciples thought of Jesus as a ruler who had yet to gain the throne, much like David. David, Jesus’ earthly ancestor, had been anointed as king for a long time before he made it to the throne and ruled as king. Jesus’ disciples were jockeying for position to be among Jesus’ highest nobles once Jesus ascended to the throne. Of course, Jesus knew that He would never become a king in an earthly way. He had to tell the disciples how to become great in eternal ways, because Jesus’ kingdom is an eternal one, not an earthly one.
I don’t care what family you were born into. I don’t care how much money you have. I don’t care what color your skin is. I don’t care if you’re a cute thing or if you’re as ugly as toe jam. If you want to be among the greatest in the eternal kingdom you must be a servant to others. That’s the condition to being great in Jesus’ kingdom. Being great in Jesus’ kingdom means LILYMI (Living It Like Ya Mean It), especially the parts about loving God & loving your neighbor.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
February 27, 2009
February 27
February 26
Though it is difficult to understand many of the ceremonial laws we read about in Leviticus I believe there is a principle to take home that is summed up in 19:2 'Be Holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.' Jesus himself has fulfilled the sacrificial laws and is therefore our way of holiness and salvation. We are clean because we believe and follow after Christ.
In Mark there are some great descriptions of who Jesus is. Over today and yesterday's readings we receive Peter confessing Jesus as the Christ, then Jesus predicting that he will have to be given over to death. Peter is not happy about this and after confessing him as the Christ he is now harshly rebuked for giving up faith on the Messiah's mission. Then there is the event of the transfiguration. Though Jesus has emptied himself of his glory in becoming a servant, for a moment the disciples are reminded of his true glory. Jesus then shows his authority over evil spirits. The point of all this? Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, is on a mission in this world to set us and the world to rights... He invites us into this mission.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Feb. 25 (Ash Wednesday) - Demons are Wusses
Aunt Bertha looks really hot, but: Leviticus 16:29-18:30
Spit of speech: Mark 7:24-8:10
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak: Psalm 41:1-13
Income tax, spiritual style: Proverbs 10:15-16
A friend of mine once commented about the teachings in Leviticus 18 years ago when we were in our late twenties. He said, “It’s hard to imagine that God even had to tell the Israelites not to do these things.” :)
One has to wonder what was said by the mute man whom Jesus healed (Mark 7:31-35). Maybe it was, “Thanks, Jesus. It’s way cool to be able to speak again! But next time, can You just put Your hand on my lips instead of spitting on my tongue?” :)
The story in Mark 7:24-30 gets to me. First, some Bible geek information: Mark wrote what we call “The Book of Mark” to the Romans. I think everybody in our youth group is non-Jewish. Mark is showing us that even though Christianity has a lot of ties to Judaism (the religion of Jews – the Old Testament), Christianity is not just for the Israelites. The woman who had a demon-possessed daughter was Greek. At first it seems like Jesus’ response to her request was a way of Him saying that He was a bit racist and wanted to keep His miracles & teachings to only the Israelites. But I believe He knew that she would be able to provide a lesson experience for the many people in the house. This was a glaring example that Jesus came for all of us, including us Gentiles (non-Israelites)!
Look also at what was vexing the woman – the fact that her daughter was demon possessed. Some people find an interest with what they think powers from Hell can bring into their lives. Do Satan and his demons exist? Yes. But don’t become fascinated with the defeated. Jesus has dominion over demons. The One to get excited about is Jesus. Satan & his lot are a bunch of wusses.
Spit of speech: Mark 7:24-8:10
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak: Psalm 41:1-13
Income tax, spiritual style: Proverbs 10:15-16
A friend of mine once commented about the teachings in Leviticus 18 years ago when we were in our late twenties. He said, “It’s hard to imagine that God even had to tell the Israelites not to do these things.” :)
One has to wonder what was said by the mute man whom Jesus healed (Mark 7:31-35). Maybe it was, “Thanks, Jesus. It’s way cool to be able to speak again! But next time, can You just put Your hand on my lips instead of spitting on my tongue?” :)
The story in Mark 7:24-30 gets to me. First, some Bible geek information: Mark wrote what we call “The Book of Mark” to the Romans. I think everybody in our youth group is non-Jewish. Mark is showing us that even though Christianity has a lot of ties to Judaism (the religion of Jews – the Old Testament), Christianity is not just for the Israelites. The woman who had a demon-possessed daughter was Greek. At first it seems like Jesus’ response to her request was a way of Him saying that He was a bit racist and wanted to keep His miracles & teachings to only the Israelites. But I believe He knew that she would be able to provide a lesson experience for the many people in the house. This was a glaring example that Jesus came for all of us, including us Gentiles (non-Israelites)!
Look also at what was vexing the woman – the fact that her daughter was demon possessed. Some people find an interest with what they think powers from Hell can bring into their lives. Do Satan and his demons exist? Yes. But don’t become fascinated with the defeated. Jesus has dominion over demons. The One to get excited about is Jesus. Satan & his lot are a bunch of wusses.
Monday, February 23, 2009
February 24 (Tuesday) - Mouthing Off
Scapegoating: Leviticus 15:1-16:28
What comes out of the mouth: Mark 7:1-23
I am poor and needy: Psalm 40:11-17
Mouth of a fool: Proverbs 10:13-14
Keep in mind that not everything Jesus said & did was written down in the gospels. Of all the things of Jesus Mark knew about, he decided that this was important enough to be written down.
Think about all the junk that comes out of our mouths. Jesus wasn’t lying when He said that it’s what comes out of our mouth that defiles us.
Now before you start saying that it doesn’t apply to today, that times have changed, yada-yada – think again. People like to say that our world has changed too much to live godly lives, including with our mouths, in today’s time. Those people don’t know much about the Roman empire.
Mark wrote his gospel primarily for the Romans. Their lifestyles were about as decadent as 21st century Americans. It’s safe to say that if the Romans were expected to watch their mouths, we are too.
What comes out of the mouth: Mark 7:1-23
I am poor and needy: Psalm 40:11-17
Mouth of a fool: Proverbs 10:13-14
Keep in mind that not everything Jesus said & did was written down in the gospels. Of all the things of Jesus Mark knew about, he decided that this was important enough to be written down.
Think about all the junk that comes out of our mouths. Jesus wasn’t lying when He said that it’s what comes out of our mouth that defiles us.
Now before you start saying that it doesn’t apply to today, that times have changed, yada-yada – think again. People like to say that our world has changed too much to live godly lives, including with our mouths, in today’s time. Those people don’t know much about the Roman empire.
Mark wrote his gospel primarily for the Romans. Their lifestyles were about as decadent as 21st century Americans. It’s safe to say that if the Romans were expected to watch their mouths, we are too.
February 23rd (Monday) - How to Make Fast Food
The best mildew removal system: Leviticus 14:1-57
Jesus teaches the disciples the art of fast food: Mark 6:30-56
I proclaim Your righteousness: Psalm 40:1-10
Love conquers all wrongs: Proverbs 10:11-12
In today’s passage from Mark, there were lots of hungry folks & not one McDonald’s in sight. The solution is simple to Jesus. In verse 37 He told the disciples, “You give them something to eat.” The disciples responded like He was demanding the impossible from them.
That’s an absurd response when you think about what the disciples had just done. I didn’t mention it in yesterday’s post, but the disciples had just gone out with no food, money, or extra clothes and preached to the lost, healed the sick, & cast out demons (Mark 6:6-12). You’d think at some point they’d realize that anything is possible with Jesus.
Now that I’ve stepped on the disciples toes it’s time to step on my own. I gotta quit doubting my abilities to do my part in the great commission of taking His word to others & helping the needy. These things seem impossible to do, but they shouldn’t seem impossible to me. It wasn’t too long ago that I had the seemingly impossible hurdle of fighting for custody of my sons: that thing men just don’t win at. But the Lord brought them home to me. I shouldn’t have worried then, because before that I was healed from epilepsy: something I’d heard from doctors for over a decade that there was no way to cure. I worried about that one too, but I shouldn’t have. Because when I was 16 my brakes went out in my car and the Lord saved my friend & me by having my car squeeze through a tiny space that it’s impossible to squeeze a car through, much less a 1974 Lincoln Continental Mark IV. :) You’d think after all of that it’d be easy to trust the Lord with what He commanded us to do.
The key is where almost all of us fail. It’s in the 2nd sentence in the above paragraph, where I base my doubts on “my abilities”. That’s just it. It’s not my abilities or your abilities that causes the impossible to happen. Almost every Christian makes this mistake.
If we want the folks in our town to get crazy for Jesus, if we want demons (of which there are many) to be cast out, if we want the sick to be healed, and if we want the hungry fed then we have to trust Jesus to give us the ability. If He told us to do to it, then He can make it happen through us.
Jesus teaches the disciples the art of fast food: Mark 6:30-56
I proclaim Your righteousness: Psalm 40:1-10
Love conquers all wrongs: Proverbs 10:11-12
In today’s passage from Mark, there were lots of hungry folks & not one McDonald’s in sight. The solution is simple to Jesus. In verse 37 He told the disciples, “You give them something to eat.” The disciples responded like He was demanding the impossible from them.
That’s an absurd response when you think about what the disciples had just done. I didn’t mention it in yesterday’s post, but the disciples had just gone out with no food, money, or extra clothes and preached to the lost, healed the sick, & cast out demons (Mark 6:6-12). You’d think at some point they’d realize that anything is possible with Jesus.
Now that I’ve stepped on the disciples toes it’s time to step on my own. I gotta quit doubting my abilities to do my part in the great commission of taking His word to others & helping the needy. These things seem impossible to do, but they shouldn’t seem impossible to me. It wasn’t too long ago that I had the seemingly impossible hurdle of fighting for custody of my sons: that thing men just don’t win at. But the Lord brought them home to me. I shouldn’t have worried then, because before that I was healed from epilepsy: something I’d heard from doctors for over a decade that there was no way to cure. I worried about that one too, but I shouldn’t have. Because when I was 16 my brakes went out in my car and the Lord saved my friend & me by having my car squeeze through a tiny space that it’s impossible to squeeze a car through, much less a 1974 Lincoln Continental Mark IV. :) You’d think after all of that it’d be easy to trust the Lord with what He commanded us to do.
The key is where almost all of us fail. It’s in the 2nd sentence in the above paragraph, where I base my doubts on “my abilities”. That’s just it. It’s not my abilities or your abilities that causes the impossible to happen. Almost every Christian makes this mistake.
If we want the folks in our town to get crazy for Jesus, if we want demons (of which there are many) to be cast out, if we want the sick to be healed, and if we want the hungry fed then we have to trust Jesus to give us the ability. If He told us to do to it, then He can make it happen through us.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
February 22nd (Sunday) -- Quarantining Cooties
Quarantining Cooties: Leviticus 13:1-59
Would you like fries & a drink with that head? Mark 6:1-29
Mouth Muzzle: Psalm 39:1-13
Winking and Chattering: Proverbs 10:10
That was a pretty cool retreat up at Camp Sumatunga! I hope everybody who went had as good a time as I did.
The teaching in Leviticus 13 seems pretty harsh. If you’ve got cooties you’ve got to stay away from everybody else. And stuff a dead person falls on has to be destroyed (that was back in Leviticus 11:33).
Has anybody ever heard of Louis Pasteur or Robert Koch? In 1876 they individually (unknown to each other) demonstrated that contagion (an infection on someone) could be passed from person to person. Until then, the western world didn’t understand things like germs.
But God did! The earliest evidence of sanitary practices & public health is found in the first 5 books of the Bible. What to many people seemed like a bunch of Jewish religious hooey turned out to prevent the Jews from having many of the devastating plagues that hit other nations, most notably Egypt. Just because they didn’t understand why God told them to do these things doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do them. These practices saved many lives.
Fast forward to the 21st century. We have to trust God & do what He says. To do otherwise would be foolish, especially when we have history to use for wisdom in today’s world.
Would you like fries & a drink with that head? Mark 6:1-29
Mouth Muzzle: Psalm 39:1-13
Winking and Chattering: Proverbs 10:10
That was a pretty cool retreat up at Camp Sumatunga! I hope everybody who went had as good a time as I did.
The teaching in Leviticus 13 seems pretty harsh. If you’ve got cooties you’ve got to stay away from everybody else. And stuff a dead person falls on has to be destroyed (that was back in Leviticus 11:33).
Has anybody ever heard of Louis Pasteur or Robert Koch? In 1876 they individually (unknown to each other) demonstrated that contagion (an infection on someone) could be passed from person to person. Until then, the western world didn’t understand things like germs.
But God did! The earliest evidence of sanitary practices & public health is found in the first 5 books of the Bible. What to many people seemed like a bunch of Jewish religious hooey turned out to prevent the Jews from having many of the devastating plagues that hit other nations, most notably Egypt. Just because they didn’t understand why God told them to do these things doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do them. These practices saved many lives.
Fast forward to the 21st century. We have to trust God & do what He says. To do otherwise would be foolish, especially when we have history to use for wisdom in today’s world.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Links for the Weekend
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
February 18 - Cast & Heal
Don’t take from others, and us Southerners need to learn to get the fat out of the meat: Leviticus 6:1-7:27
Casting out demons instead of worms on a hook: Mark 3:7-30
The grass withers: Psalm 37:1-11
Lazy hands: Proverbs 10:3-4
Note in the first part of Leviticus 6 there’s a commandment concerning returning stolen or lost items to the rightful owner, with an increase of 20%. This commandment about returning stolen things isn’t an interruption in the many commandments concerning worship -- it’s part of the commandments concerning worship. I believe in God’s eyes, treating others right is part of worshipping God.
Check out in Mark 3 who knows that Jesus is the Son of God – the demons. They even speak it (verse 11). Even demons know that Jesus is the real deal, yet just knowing it & saying it doesn’t automatically put you on Jesus’ side.
Notice also who Jesus gave the ability to cast out demons & heal folks – just plain ol’ fishermen, a tax collector (Matthew), & the dude who Jesus knew would later betray Him (Judas) (verses 14-19). We think of the 12 disciples as being these larger-than-life people, but they’re really just average folks. Jesus & the Holy Spirit are the cause for the 12 disciples having the tools to jump start the church – actions that rippled to us being Christians today.
Most of us (including myself) find that hard to grasp: that God wants to give us the supernatural abilities to further His kingdom & heal the sick. It’s hard to see it. I don’t look at myself and see someone who can do miraculous things. And I’m right – I can’t. But the Holy Spirit can! It’s not me; it’s not you; it’s not even our leaders at church; it’s God who can do anything & everything. What if, however, the early disciples didn’t grasp this, both in Jesus’ time & after Jesus left? Had they tried to start the church with only their own abilities there might not have created the church & it might not exist today. Now the next question: what if we fail to grasp it today? What potential Christians around us will fail to see Jesus because we can’t perceive the Holy Spirit using us in whatever way He wants?
On a side note, some other Christians, who already believe in this whole-heartedly, have not fully understood verse 29, which says, “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” They sometimes misinterpret that as, “Hey ‘Christians’ who think we’re a bunch of fruit cake holy rollers because we believe in healing, prophecy, etc., you’re going to Hell because you blaspheme the gifts of the Holy Spirit when you tell us to ditch healing & prophesying.” (I haven’t heard that in over a decade, so I doubt there are many people who still say or believe this.) Verse 30 describes the scenario – it’s not trashing spiritual gifts that bring imminent damnation, it’s continuing to say that Jesus has an evil spirit. The “they were saying” in verse 30 really means “they keep on saying”. As long as you keep on rejecting Jesus as the Son of God (i.e., keep saying Jesus is of the devil), you keep holding your ticket to Hell.
Casting out demons instead of worms on a hook: Mark 3:7-30
The grass withers: Psalm 37:1-11
Lazy hands: Proverbs 10:3-4
Note in the first part of Leviticus 6 there’s a commandment concerning returning stolen or lost items to the rightful owner, with an increase of 20%. This commandment about returning stolen things isn’t an interruption in the many commandments concerning worship -- it’s part of the commandments concerning worship. I believe in God’s eyes, treating others right is part of worshipping God.
Check out in Mark 3 who knows that Jesus is the Son of God – the demons. They even speak it (verse 11). Even demons know that Jesus is the real deal, yet just knowing it & saying it doesn’t automatically put you on Jesus’ side.
Notice also who Jesus gave the ability to cast out demons & heal folks – just plain ol’ fishermen, a tax collector (Matthew), & the dude who Jesus knew would later betray Him (Judas) (verses 14-19). We think of the 12 disciples as being these larger-than-life people, but they’re really just average folks. Jesus & the Holy Spirit are the cause for the 12 disciples having the tools to jump start the church – actions that rippled to us being Christians today.
Most of us (including myself) find that hard to grasp: that God wants to give us the supernatural abilities to further His kingdom & heal the sick. It’s hard to see it. I don’t look at myself and see someone who can do miraculous things. And I’m right – I can’t. But the Holy Spirit can! It’s not me; it’s not you; it’s not even our leaders at church; it’s God who can do anything & everything. What if, however, the early disciples didn’t grasp this, both in Jesus’ time & after Jesus left? Had they tried to start the church with only their own abilities there might not have created the church & it might not exist today. Now the next question: what if we fail to grasp it today? What potential Christians around us will fail to see Jesus because we can’t perceive the Holy Spirit using us in whatever way He wants?
On a side note, some other Christians, who already believe in this whole-heartedly, have not fully understood verse 29, which says, “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” They sometimes misinterpret that as, “Hey ‘Christians’ who think we’re a bunch of fruit cake holy rollers because we believe in healing, prophecy, etc., you’re going to Hell because you blaspheme the gifts of the Holy Spirit when you tell us to ditch healing & prophesying.” (I haven’t heard that in over a decade, so I doubt there are many people who still say or believe this.) Verse 30 describes the scenario – it’s not trashing spiritual gifts that bring imminent damnation, it’s continuing to say that Jesus has an evil spirit. The “they were saying” in verse 30 really means “they keep on saying”. As long as you keep on rejecting Jesus as the Son of God (i.e., keep saying Jesus is of the devil), you keep holding your ticket to Hell.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
February 17 (Tuesday) -- Today is a good day to heal
Never complain again about having to stand up, sit down, etc. during Sunday morning worship: Leviticus 4:1-5:19
Check your calendar before healing: Mark 2:13-3:6
You’re Love, Oh Lord: Psalm 36:1-12
Make your father glad with wisdom: Proverbs 10:1-2
The first few verses of Mark 3 always get me. Jesus’ accusers were apparently accustomed to Jesus healing others. It says in verse 2 that they were watching to see if Jesus would heal the man with a shriveled hand on the Sabbath day.
Can you imagine having such a religious spirit that it burns your butt for someone to be healed by the Lord? Before you answer that, take a gander at Mark 2:15-17.
I believe that Jesus heals today. I think the church (as a whole, not just FUMCH) doesn’t believe in Jesus’ healing like it should. Yet, I think our bigger problem is that we sometimes get in the way of the message of Jesus reaching people who don’t live Christian lives. When we have our noses up high in the air & pretend we’re too good for others, never forget that Jesus Himself wasn’t too good to sit next to tax collectors & sinners. Eternal healing surely outweighs physical healing. If it’s wrong for Jesus’ detractors to be picky about which day of the week Jesus healed on, it’s certainly wrong for us today to get in the way of die-hard Christians who take Jesus’ message to those we think we’re too good to be around.
Since most of the people around us know that we’re Christians, we have to be careful that we’re showing Christ’s love. When we show pride we’re not showing Christ at all.
Check your calendar before healing: Mark 2:13-3:6
You’re Love, Oh Lord: Psalm 36:1-12
Make your father glad with wisdom: Proverbs 10:1-2
The first few verses of Mark 3 always get me. Jesus’ accusers were apparently accustomed to Jesus healing others. It says in verse 2 that they were watching to see if Jesus would heal the man with a shriveled hand on the Sabbath day.
Can you imagine having such a religious spirit that it burns your butt for someone to be healed by the Lord? Before you answer that, take a gander at Mark 2:15-17.
I believe that Jesus heals today. I think the church (as a whole, not just FUMCH) doesn’t believe in Jesus’ healing like it should. Yet, I think our bigger problem is that we sometimes get in the way of the message of Jesus reaching people who don’t live Christian lives. When we have our noses up high in the air & pretend we’re too good for others, never forget that Jesus Himself wasn’t too good to sit next to tax collectors & sinners. Eternal healing surely outweighs physical healing. If it’s wrong for Jesus’ detractors to be picky about which day of the week Jesus healed on, it’s certainly wrong for us today to get in the way of die-hard Christians who take Jesus’ message to those we think we’re too good to be around.
Since most of the people around us know that we’re Christians, we have to be careful that we’re showing Christ’s love. When we show pride we’re not showing Christ at all.
Monday, February 16, 2009
February 16, 2009
February 16
The book of Leviticus begins. The title of the book refers to 'the Levites', the priestly tribe, the sons of Aaron. What is this all about? This question may come to your mind a lot when reading this book. The big word to keep in mind when reading Leviticus is 'worship'. The Levites were basically the worship leaders of the Israelite people. But why is so much of worship in the Old Testament about sacrifice offerings? I think for two reasons (1) God is letting the people to realize that their sin is serious, as our passage in Romans said last night 'the wages of sin is death'. But is this the death that talks about? Not exactly. Our death? Well, yes that's true. But the punishment for sin of death is primarily the punishment that Jesus took. And therefore (2) These sacrifices are meant to make the people long for a more perfect sacrifice. They are to point them to the type of sacrifice that doesn't have to be offered over and over again. A sacrifice that really would take away sin. Jesus' death.
Mark tells that story in full... The pharisees are amazed that Jesus claims to forgive sins because only God can forgive sins... that says it all really. Jesus shows them his authority to forgive sins by showing his power to heal physical defects. And how do the people react. Mark says, 'This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this"'. That's an understatement.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
February 15, 2009
Thanks Charles, for posting in my absence... but here's the 15th!
This passage from Exodus is really so exciting! What you have to keep in mind as you read it is that this shows the Israelites preparing themselves for the worship of God. They are preparing the way for the Lord to come down and inhabit the 'tent of meeting'. The Lord desires to be close to his people, for them to seek his face. Exodus has long passages that speak to how God commands his people to prepare for worship under the Old Covenant. All of these preparations are ultimately going to lead up to Christ who would allow us to come directly into the presence of God.
In Mark's gospel you may notice something different in his style. If you read through this passage, think about the way it's different from Matthew. Did you catch it? It's much more quickly paced. The book contains the great word for 'immediately', like, I'm not sure, but it's a lot of times... the point is, Jesus is on a mission from the Father and he is focused and aiming straight for his mission on earth, do die on the cross and rise from the dead to save us. as we read in Timothy tonight 'to save sinners'. John the Baptist prepares the way and we read of the Father declaring his love for the son.
And the Psalms passage. Wow. What confidence this man has in God! I pray the Lord would instill in me such confidence.
February 14 - He's Alive! Tell folks about it!
Making the Ark of the Covenant: Exodus 37:1-38:31
Jesus is Alive! Matthew 28:1-20
Fear of the Lord: Psalm 34:11-22
Fear of the Lord: Proverbs 9:9-10
All of the despair of Jesus’ followers is turned into inexplicable joy! Jesus rose from the grave! As Christians, our hope is in someone whom even death can’t defeat. Jesus is totally awesome!
Note the story the chief priests bribed the guards to say. Verse 15 says that the Jews believe this to this day (at the time Matthew wrote his gospel). This story is believed by the Jews even now in the 21st century.
Now it’s time to work. Jesus told His disciples to go tell everyone about Him. This job falls to us today. The original 12 disciples are long dead. We can’t depend on them to do the work. It’s up to us now.
That’s all right though. Jesus is with us.
Jesus is Alive! Matthew 28:1-20
Fear of the Lord: Psalm 34:11-22
Fear of the Lord: Proverbs 9:9-10
All of the despair of Jesus’ followers is turned into inexplicable joy! Jesus rose from the grave! As Christians, our hope is in someone whom even death can’t defeat. Jesus is totally awesome!
Note the story the chief priests bribed the guards to say. Verse 15 says that the Jews believe this to this day (at the time Matthew wrote his gospel). This story is believed by the Jews even now in the 21st century.
Now it’s time to work. Jesus told His disciples to go tell everyone about Him. This job falls to us today. The original 12 disciples are long dead. We can’t depend on them to do the work. It’s up to us now.
That’s all right though. Jesus is with us.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
February 13 - Hey, Grandpa. I haven't seen you since you died. How've you been?
Building a port-o-tabernacle: Exodus 35:10-36:38
Night of the living dead: Matthew 27:32-66
The psalm of a crazy man: Psalm 34:1-10
To correct a mocking bird: Proverbs 9:7-8
Jesus is the most awesome thing that ever was or ever will be! Yet, I bet it was hard to be one of His disciples and witness His death. Even with the miraculous things that occurred during His death (three hours of darkness, dead folks hopping up out of the grave & hanging out with living folks, and the temple curtain being torn in two), I’m sure the disciples felt defeated. Of course, we have hind sight – we know that Jesus rose from the dead after a couple of days. When it looks like the Lord isn’t caring after you, or the Lord can’t get something done that needs to be done, I urge you to keep the faith. The Lord will come through. As David wrote in today’s Psalm, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” David wrote this Psalm at a low point in his life, knowing that the Lord would get him out of his troubles.
Imagine if we in the church today gave so much our church leaders had to tell us, “Enough. Stop giving.” :) As hard as that sounds to believe, it can be done. It happened in Exodus 36:4-7, part of today’s reading. To be fair, we’re talking about the giving of an entire nation vs. the giving of our little church. Plus, we’re talking about the need to build a lot of items of worship vs. the need of a church today (maintain the sanctuary, pay power & gas bills, pay staff, fund ministries like missionaries & the food pantry, etc.). However, I think even in context this can be an expectation if we narrowed it down to one item: the giving needed to build the new building. Can we give & raise enough money so that one day Brother Al says to us, “Enough. Stop giving to the building fund”? I think it’s entirely possible.
Night of the living dead: Matthew 27:32-66
The psalm of a crazy man: Psalm 34:1-10
To correct a mocking bird: Proverbs 9:7-8
Jesus is the most awesome thing that ever was or ever will be! Yet, I bet it was hard to be one of His disciples and witness His death. Even with the miraculous things that occurred during His death (three hours of darkness, dead folks hopping up out of the grave & hanging out with living folks, and the temple curtain being torn in two), I’m sure the disciples felt defeated. Of course, we have hind sight – we know that Jesus rose from the dead after a couple of days. When it looks like the Lord isn’t caring after you, or the Lord can’t get something done that needs to be done, I urge you to keep the faith. The Lord will come through. As David wrote in today’s Psalm, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” David wrote this Psalm at a low point in his life, knowing that the Lord would get him out of his troubles.
Imagine if we in the church today gave so much our church leaders had to tell us, “Enough. Stop giving.” :) As hard as that sounds to believe, it can be done. It happened in Exodus 36:4-7, part of today’s reading. To be fair, we’re talking about the giving of an entire nation vs. the giving of our little church. Plus, we’re talking about the need to build a lot of items of worship vs. the need of a church today (maintain the sanctuary, pay power & gas bills, pay staff, fund ministries like missionaries & the food pantry, etc.). However, I think even in context this can be an expectation if we narrowed it down to one item: the giving needed to build the new building. Can we give & raise enough money so that one day Brother Al says to us, “Enough. Stop giving to the building fund”? I think it’s entirely possible.
February 12 -
Jealous: Exodus 34:1-35:9
Humble: Matthew 27:15-31
Blessed is the nation whose god is the Lord: Psalm 33:12-22
Wisdom invites us: Proverbs 9:1-6
It’s fascinating to see the differences in how the Lord is treated. In our Genesis reading, God the Father calls himself by the name “Jealous”, gives strict commands on worshipping no other gods (referring to that as playing the harlot), and promises to give the Israelites peace and prosperity if they follow His many commands of worship. Notice also that the first thing Moses did when he realized he was in the presence of the Lord was to bow down & worship Him with humility.
Yet, in Matthew the Lord is being spit on & beaten. Jesus allowed Himself to be put in the hands of men knowing that they’d be cruel to Him in stark contrast to the worship Moses gave Him. He’s the same One Who has the power over nations in Genesis – He could have stopped the humility He was going through at any time.
Without a doubt God’s love is as great as His power. Why else would He allow Himself to go through such horrible pains & degradation? And to think that through His omniscience He had even little ol’ us in mind when He chose to go through these horrible experiences.
Bible geek info: The two tablets of stone that Moses carried were probably pocket sized, not the huge tablets of stone we see in pictures or movies of Moses & the 10 commandments. It’s hard to imagine a man in his 80’s (Exodus 7:7) carrying two large stone tablets up a mountain. :)
Humble: Matthew 27:15-31
Blessed is the nation whose god is the Lord: Psalm 33:12-22
Wisdom invites us: Proverbs 9:1-6
It’s fascinating to see the differences in how the Lord is treated. In our Genesis reading, God the Father calls himself by the name “Jealous”, gives strict commands on worshipping no other gods (referring to that as playing the harlot), and promises to give the Israelites peace and prosperity if they follow His many commands of worship. Notice also that the first thing Moses did when he realized he was in the presence of the Lord was to bow down & worship Him with humility.
Yet, in Matthew the Lord is being spit on & beaten. Jesus allowed Himself to be put in the hands of men knowing that they’d be cruel to Him in stark contrast to the worship Moses gave Him. He’s the same One Who has the power over nations in Genesis – He could have stopped the humility He was going through at any time.
Without a doubt God’s love is as great as His power. Why else would He allow Himself to go through such horrible pains & degradation? And to think that through His omniscience He had even little ol’ us in mind when He chose to go through these horrible experiences.
Bible geek info: The two tablets of stone that Moses carried were probably pocket sized, not the huge tablets of stone we see in pictures or movies of Moses & the 10 commandments. It’s hard to imagine a man in his 80’s (Exodus 7:7) carrying two large stone tablets up a mountain. :)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
February 11 (Wednesday)

Kowtowing to cows: Exodus 32:1-33:23
Rooster crow time: Matthew 26:69-27:14
Can you imagine playing a 10 string guitar for the Lord? Psalm 33:1-11
Listen up: Proverbs 8:33-36
It’s hard to imagine the faith of the Israelites being so shallow. You’d think after witnessing the many plagues that the Lord brought on the Egyptians, then walking across the Sea of Reeds, that they’d never, ever, no not ever, never worship anybody else or anything else except the Lord God Almighty. Yet, let Moses be away for a little while & they grow eager to worship something, anything since they can no longer see God’s representative, Moses. Every time I read this I want to reach inside my Bible, shake the Israelites by the shoulder, and tell them, “Wake up, idiots!”
Then fast forward to the 21st century America and what do we see? We still see people giving more worship to man made things than to God. Things like:
• Money
• TV shows
• Social status
• Sports
• Sex
• Alcohol
• Drugs
• Video games
If one of these things is more of a passion for you than Jesus, then it’s your idol. Jesus needs to be el numero uno. Often the word “adultery” is used throughout the Bible to speak not of someone cheating on their spouse, but how God feels about us worshipping idols. He refers to is as adultery, because He sees it as us cheating on Him.
All three of the adults who post on this blog are married. If one of us cheated on our husband/wives, it’d be awful. Or what if one of us didn’t cheat like we think of, but spent much of our time being absorbed by someone else of the opposite sex. For example, what if started talking all the time about an attractive actress or a hot looking singer, while hardly ever talking to or about my wife?
I believe that’s the same thing that happens on a spiritual level when we spend more time listening to one band, watching one show, achieving one goal, etc. than we do with the Lord in payer, Bible reading, or worship. When we do that, we’ve made that band, that show, or that goal our idol, and we’re about as ridiculous when we do it as the Israelites were by worshiping a gold moo cow that they made themselves.
January 10 - Little boy, put that sword down & go wash your hands
Wash Your Hands, or Die: Exodus 30:11-31:18
Scotch Ear: Matthew 26:47-68
No Mule Thinkin’ Allowed: Psalm 32:1-11
Wisdom Was There at the Foundation: Proverbs 8:27-32
There have been a lot of religious wars over the centuries. But what did Jesus say about religious fighting? He said that “all who draw the sword will die by the sword”.
I’m sure when Peter chopped off the guard’s ear he thought that he had done a good thing to fight for Jesus’ safety. But Jesus not only taught that living by the sword leads to dying by the sword, Jesus also healed the guard’s ear.
This act was both an act of love by Jesus and also a way of backing up His teaching. I’m sure the teaching sunk into the observers minds a lot deeper when Jesus miraculously undid the results of Peter’s attack.
We don’t have to physically fight for Jesus. He’s got an angelic army He can call on at anytime. However, He does expect us to spiritually fight for Him. There are many people in this world who are zealous in their animosity towards Christians. They carried out horrible attacks on Christians in other parts of the world. Don’t be surprised if they’re one day doing the same thing in the good ol’ U.S. of A. We have to fight them not with might but with the Word, with prayer, and with LILYMI. It’s a spiritual war we’re fighting. Without knowing it, they’re not a warrior in the battle, they’re the prize both sides are fighting over.
By the way, I'm sorry I forgot to post this until today. I'm just a slacker. :)
Scotch Ear: Matthew 26:47-68
No Mule Thinkin’ Allowed: Psalm 32:1-11
Wisdom Was There at the Foundation: Proverbs 8:27-32
There have been a lot of religious wars over the centuries. But what did Jesus say about religious fighting? He said that “all who draw the sword will die by the sword”.
I’m sure when Peter chopped off the guard’s ear he thought that he had done a good thing to fight for Jesus’ safety. But Jesus not only taught that living by the sword leads to dying by the sword, Jesus also healed the guard’s ear.
This act was both an act of love by Jesus and also a way of backing up His teaching. I’m sure the teaching sunk into the observers minds a lot deeper when Jesus miraculously undid the results of Peter’s attack.
We don’t have to physically fight for Jesus. He’s got an angelic army He can call on at anytime. However, He does expect us to spiritually fight for Him. There are many people in this world who are zealous in their animosity towards Christians. They carried out horrible attacks on Christians in other parts of the world. Don’t be surprised if they’re one day doing the same thing in the good ol’ U.S. of A. We have to fight them not with might but with the Word, with prayer, and with LILYMI. It’s a spiritual war we’re fighting. Without knowing it, they’re not a warrior in the battle, they’re the prize both sides are fighting over.
By the way, I'm sorry I forgot to post this until today. I'm just a slacker. :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
February 9, 2009
February 9
"Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the LORD."
all you who hope in the LORD."
The Psalms can be incredibly encouraging. It is a great thing when reading through the Bible that each day can begin with a reading from the Psalms. David here reminds us of God's goodness. He reminds us that no matter what may happen to us, our shelter is found in the Lord. Very encouraging words.
In the reading from Matthew we begin to read about the days leading up to Christ's death. Jesus predicts his betrayer and introduces his disciples to the Lord's Supper. The meal that will be a reminder for the church for thousands of years of what his sacrifice means for them. Then there is that moment in the garden of Gethsemane, a time when Jesus knows the greatness of the task before him. Nonetheless, under the greatest strain he remains obedient. As we read in Exodus of the preparations for temple worship, Jesus is here getting ready to be the sacrifice that will be the only true and lasting sacrifice that can bring his people close to his throne.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
February 8, 2009
February 8
Today's passages contain, personally, one of the most convicting readings I can think of from the Scriptures. The story of the sheep and the goats. Jesus tells this story, in no uncertain terms, of two distinct groups, one which will receive eternal reward, the other eternal punishment and torment. What distinguishes these groups, the way in which they treated 'the least of these'. Now this doesn't say that we get to heaven by doing good to others, but it does say that those who know Jesus will act like him. Those who know Jesus will care for those who are in the most need, those who need our help the most. But, this job is not done by us individually, but as a group, as the church. If we are truly disicples of Chrsit we will do great things for the 'least of these'. I myself should lead us in this focus and I pray that we might be a group who does acts of service to the needy, hurting and hungry.
The Psalms also speak to those who put their trust in the Lord. Those who follow Christ will also be totally dependent upon him. David is experiencing great persecution in this Psalm, yet he cries out: "Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love."
What a beautiful prayer.
In Exodus, as well we continue to understand more of the system God institutes under the Old Covenant worship. The Lord is laying out the plans of how he shall be worshipped. Of course, we know that Jesus will come to fulfill these passages, becoming our true priest, atoning for our sins before the Father. When reading the Old Testament, always think about Jesus. Well, I guess whever we do anything, we should think about Jesus. I pray that God will guide us in this path through his Holy Spirit.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
February 7, 2009
February 7
When reading through the passage in Exodus it strikes me just how important worship of God is. All of these specific details are laid out because God is essentially saying that worship is sacred and very very serious. It's also joyous, but we must not forget the holiness of our God. The Lord is giving these instructions to Moses on mount sinai, inviting his people to live as his chosen nation... also pay attention to the details and much of the New Testament will make more sense. There are lots of references there... I was thinking at the end of the Exodus passage, wow, this reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins, and there it is. I didn't even know that was coming?
Jesus tells a parable of ten wise virgins. This parable and the parable of the talents highlight very much Charles' much used theme LILYMI... basically we should anticipate Christ's return and do his work as his servants, knowing he will one day return to set things right. We should live in constant expectation of Christ's return.
The Psalms and Proverbs passages have a common theme. They display the blessings for those who serve the Lord God. We will have favour and care in his love according to the Psalms. We will know the right path according to Proverbs. These both highlight the blessings that are ours for following Christ's way.
In Matthew
February 6 - Where'd everybody go? Was it death by sex?

Indiana Jones is obsessed with this: Exodus 23:14-25:40
Someone forgot to tell me that we’re playing hide-n-seek and I’m it: Matthew 24:29-51
David’s song/poem for dedication to the temple: Psalm 30:1-12
Death by sex: Proverbs 7:24-27
In the previous post I pointed out that we can be sure that whatever the Lord says will happen, will happen. Take a gander at today’s Proverbs reading. Keep in mind that the “her” is a woman who encourages various men to have sex with her (Proverbs 7:10-21). It says not to go down her path. “Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.” Sex outside of marriage kills. Nothing has changed in the 3,000 years since this was written. If you don’t believe me, look at the #’s of people killed by AIDS. What the Lord told prophetically to Solomon to write in Proverbs, happens today.
Jesus said in Matthew that things will happen. Those things will happen. There will come a day when Jesus will return. We don’t know exactly what day, but we’re told how to tell it’s getting close. Jesus’ words concerning His return are more certain than the sky & the earth. We can’t be as foolish as the people in Noah’s time, who had death at their door and didn’t know it. Jesus will come after the many things He talked about in yesterday’s post, many of which are happening today.
The question is not if Jesus will return. The question is who will be ready. It won’t be like hearing your parents pull up in the driveway, giving you about a minute to quit doing whatever you know they wouldn’t like to see you doing. :) When Jesus comes He’ll be looking for people who believe in Him enough to LILYMI – Live It Like Ya Mean It.
February 5
Good morning, my friends.
Forgive us for not posting the last couple of days of Bible readings. I’ll try to make up for it now.
Old Testament penalties for treating other people wrongly: Exodus 21:22-23:13
Christians will be put to death & hated by all nations: Matthew 24:1-28
The voice of the Lord: Psalm 29:1-11
Being trapped by a hooker is like being shot in the liver: Proverbs 7:6-23
Jesus’ teaching in Matthew is pretty deep. Note that when Jesus said that the Jews’ beautiful temple will be destroyed, the disciples didn’t ask Him, “How in the world could that happen?”, or “Who in the world would do such a thing?” They simply accepted it as certain and wanted to know when it would happen. Whatever the Lord says will happen, will happen. Here are things that seem certain, and they almost always happen, but they’re not as certain as the Lord’s predictions:
1) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than burping after drinking Dr. Pepper.
2) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than someone thinking you’re cussing when you say the new Auburn football coach’s last name.
3) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than Bush trying to wrestle someone after church.
4) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than being flirted with by middle-aged single women if you’re a middle-aged single man & you take Solomon with you to church functions.
5) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than your auto insurance going up when your kids get old enough to drive.
6) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than even the physical laws that govern the world that the Lord created.
Whatever God says will happen, will happen. Just like it happened when God said, “Let there be light.” The disciples knew this & asked Jesus “when”, not “if”. I have no doubt that they trusted Him when He said that His followers would be put to death. Yet His disciples are the ones who started the church. There would be no church today if the disciples hadn’t set up churches & spread Christianity. And they did it knowing it was a dangerous occupation. All of them except John was killed for being a Christian, and tradition says that the Romans tried to kill John by putting him in a vat of boiling oil, but God saved him.
What would Hueytown, Pleasant Grove, Oak Grove, & Sylvan Springs be like in the near future if all of us had the same no-matter-what, no-matter-who kind of attitude about following Jesus & telling others about Him? If we adopt a creed of LILYMI – Living It Like Ya Mean It, then people after us have a strong chance of learning about Jesus.
Forgive us for not posting the last couple of days of Bible readings. I’ll try to make up for it now.
Old Testament penalties for treating other people wrongly: Exodus 21:22-23:13
Christians will be put to death & hated by all nations: Matthew 24:1-28
The voice of the Lord: Psalm 29:1-11
Being trapped by a hooker is like being shot in the liver: Proverbs 7:6-23
Jesus’ teaching in Matthew is pretty deep. Note that when Jesus said that the Jews’ beautiful temple will be destroyed, the disciples didn’t ask Him, “How in the world could that happen?”, or “Who in the world would do such a thing?” They simply accepted it as certain and wanted to know when it would happen. Whatever the Lord says will happen, will happen. Here are things that seem certain, and they almost always happen, but they’re not as certain as the Lord’s predictions:
1) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than burping after drinking Dr. Pepper.
2) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than someone thinking you’re cussing when you say the new Auburn football coach’s last name.
3) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than Bush trying to wrestle someone after church.
4) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than being flirted with by middle-aged single women if you’re a middle-aged single man & you take Solomon with you to church functions.
5) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than your auto insurance going up when your kids get old enough to drive.
6) The Lord’s predictions are more certain than even the physical laws that govern the world that the Lord created.
Whatever God says will happen, will happen. Just like it happened when God said, “Let there be light.” The disciples knew this & asked Jesus “when”, not “if”. I have no doubt that they trusted Him when He said that His followers would be put to death. Yet His disciples are the ones who started the church. There would be no church today if the disciples hadn’t set up churches & spread Christianity. And they did it knowing it was a dangerous occupation. All of them except John was killed for being a Christian, and tradition says that the Romans tried to kill John by putting him in a vat of boiling oil, but God saved him.
What would Hueytown, Pleasant Grove, Oak Grove, & Sylvan Springs be like in the near future if all of us had the same no-matter-what, no-matter-who kind of attitude about following Jesus & telling others about Him? If we adopt a creed of LILYMI – Living It Like Ya Mean It, then people after us have a strong chance of learning about Jesus.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
February 4
Thunder Mountain: Exodus 19:16-21:21
O woe is me: Matthew 23:13-39
O Lord my Rock: Psalm 28:1-9
My brother & I don’t relate the word “wisdom” with “sister”: Proverbs 7:1-5
Imagine being among the Israelites when they were camped at the bottom of Mount Sinai (today’s reading in Exodus)! Imagine how awesome & fearful it was for them. Well every now & then we get a teaching in the New Testament that reminds us that the God of love is also the Judge.
Pay particular attention to who Jesus is addressing: the Pharisees & teachers of the law (think “religious laws” – Old Testament). These dudes were the cream of the crop as far as religious stature goes. Of course, we’re not part of the Pharisee sect that Jesus was talking to, but I believe the teaching applies to us too.
We Christians know about sin more than the world does. We are to be models of Jesus in the way we talk & the way we live, especially in regards to how we treat others.
For starters, we can’t think that we’re good enough to get to Heaven & the people around us are not. When we try to convince someone that they’re too bad for Jesus to take in, we, as Jesus put it, “shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces”. He started those sentences with “woe to you” and ended it with “you yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to”. That’s pretty heavy stuff.
And this isn’t just a one-liner type of teaching. Jesus taught about it in detail. We need to be careful that we treat people with love & not take advantage of them looking up to us as Christians (the bit about encouraging others to swear by the gold instead of the temple). We also need to worry more about our relationship with God and not put up a façade that all things are cool between us & God (the teaching about washing the outside of the cup instead of the inside).
Are we still saved by grace? Of course. But at the same time, we can’t ignore this teaching about LILYMI (Live It Like Ya Mean It), especially since this teaching has an “or else” kind of component to it.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
February 3 (Tuesday) -- Gotta do number two

Moses must have heard Brother Al’s sermon from Sunday about raising his hands: Exodus 17:8-19:15
Gotta go do number two: Matthew 22:34-23:12
Wait a second: Psalm 27:7-14
Having a fire in your lap is not a good thing: Proverbs 6:27-35
The Pharisees asked Jesus what the number one commandment is. He answered them & at the same time gave them the number two commandment, even though they didn’t ask for it. Apparently, Jesus thought it was an important commandment to work into the teaching.
Number one & number two go hand in hand. Loving God means loving not just Him, but also His creation – the folks around you.
When Satan tries to tempt you to treat somebody wrong, or ignore someone’s need, tell him, “You need to excuse me for a moment, Satan. I gotta go do number two.”
Monday, February 2, 2009
February 2
February 2
The Lord is our covenant God of salvation who rescues us from bondage and death, yet we nonetheless worry about such smaller matters. We celebrated the Lord's Supper yesterday. This meal should always be a reminder that it is Jesus who is our bread of life, Christ who is the one who gives us life! The passage from Matthew (which Al gave a great sermon on a few months ago) is a very encouraging one. Jesus invites all who would come to his wedding feast. Yet, we must come clothed in the garments of Jesus' blood. This parable of Jesus makes us want to join in with David in singing:
"One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple."
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple."
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