Indiana Jones is obsessed with this: Exodus 23:14-25:40
Someone forgot to tell me that we’re playing hide-n-seek and I’m it: Matthew 24:29-51
David’s song/poem for dedication to the temple: Psalm 30:1-12
Death by sex: Proverbs 7:24-27
In the previous post I pointed out that we can be sure that whatever the Lord says will happen, will happen. Take a gander at today’s Proverbs reading. Keep in mind that the “her” is a woman who encourages various men to have sex with her (Proverbs 7:10-21). It says not to go down her path. “Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.” Sex outside of marriage kills. Nothing has changed in the 3,000 years since this was written. If you don’t believe me, look at the #’s of people killed by AIDS. What the Lord told prophetically to Solomon to write in Proverbs, happens today.
Jesus said in Matthew that things will happen. Those things will happen. There will come a day when Jesus will return. We don’t know exactly what day, but we’re told how to tell it’s getting close. Jesus’ words concerning His return are more certain than the sky & the earth. We can’t be as foolish as the people in Noah’s time, who had death at their door and didn’t know it. Jesus will come after the many things He talked about in yesterday’s post, many of which are happening today.
The question is not if Jesus will return. The question is who will be ready. It won’t be like hearing your parents pull up in the driveway, giving you about a minute to quit doing whatever you know they wouldn’t like to see you doing. :) When Jesus comes He’ll be looking for people who believe in Him enough to LILYMI – Live It Like Ya Mean It.
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