February 8
Today's passages contain, personally, one of the most convicting readings I can think of from the Scriptures. The story of the sheep and the goats. Jesus tells this story, in no uncertain terms, of two distinct groups, one which will receive eternal reward, the other eternal punishment and torment. What distinguishes these groups, the way in which they treated 'the least of these'. Now this doesn't say that we get to heaven by doing good to others, but it does say that those who know Jesus will act like him. Those who know Jesus will care for those who are in the most need, those who need our help the most. But, this job is not done by us individually, but as a group, as the church. If we are truly disicples of Chrsit we will do great things for the 'least of these'. I myself should lead us in this focus and I pray that we might be a group who does acts of service to the needy, hurting and hungry.
The Psalms also speak to those who put their trust in the Lord. Those who follow Christ will also be totally dependent upon him. David is experiencing great persecution in this Psalm, yet he cries out: "Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love."
What a beautiful prayer.
In Exodus, as well we continue to understand more of the system God institutes under the Old Covenant worship. The Lord is laying out the plans of how he shall be worshipped. Of course, we know that Jesus will come to fulfill these passages, becoming our true priest, atoning for our sins before the Father. When reading the Old Testament, always think about Jesus. Well, I guess whever we do anything, we should think about Jesus. I pray that God will guide us in this path through his Holy Spirit.
I agree with you whole heartedly, friend Matt. This is pretty heavy stuff. Jesus wants us to be real in the way we treat others. Helping the least goes hand-in-hand with believing in Jesus & going to Heaven. You can't have faith in Jesus & get to Heaven without being concerned with the needs of others.