Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feb. 25 (Ash Wednesday) - Demons are Wusses

Aunt Bertha looks really hot, but: Leviticus 16:29-18:30

Spit of speech: Mark 7:24-8:10

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak: Psalm 41:1-13

Income tax, spiritual style: Proverbs 10:15-16

A friend of mine once commented about the teachings in Leviticus 18 years ago when we were in our late twenties. He said, “It’s hard to imagine that God even had to tell the Israelites not to do these things.” :)

One has to wonder what was said by the mute man whom Jesus healed (Mark 7:31-35). Maybe it was, “Thanks, Jesus. It’s way cool to be able to speak again! But next time, can You just put Your hand on my lips instead of spitting on my tongue?” :)

The story in Mark 7:24-30 gets to me. First, some Bible geek information: Mark wrote what we call “The Book of Mark” to the Romans. I think everybody in our youth group is non-Jewish. Mark is showing us that even though Christianity has a lot of ties to Judaism (the religion of Jews – the Old Testament), Christianity is not just for the Israelites. The woman who had a demon-possessed daughter was Greek. At first it seems like Jesus’ response to her request was a way of Him saying that He was a bit racist and wanted to keep His miracles & teachings to only the Israelites. But I believe He knew that she would be able to provide a lesson experience for the many people in the house. This was a glaring example that Jesus came for all of us, including us Gentiles (non-Israelites)!

Look also at what was vexing the woman – the fact that her daughter was demon possessed. Some people find an interest with what they think powers from Hell can bring into their lives. Do Satan and his demons exist? Yes. But don’t become fascinated with the defeated. Jesus has dominion over demons. The One to get excited about is Jesus. Satan & his lot are a bunch of wusses.

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