Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2

February 2

The Lord is our covenant God of salvation who rescues us from bondage and death, yet we nonetheless worry about such smaller matters.  We celebrated the Lord's Supper yesterday. This meal should always be a reminder that it is Jesus who is our bread of life, Christ who is the one who gives us life!  The passage from Matthew (which Al gave a great sermon on a few months ago) is a very encouraging one. Jesus invites all who would come to his wedding feast. Yet, we must come clothed in the garments of Jesus' blood.  This parable of Jesus makes us want to join in with David in singing:

"One thing I ask of the LORD, 
       this is what I seek: 
       that I may dwell in the house of the LORD 
       all the days of my life, 
       to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD 
       and to seek him in his temple."

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Jesus’ blood is like the printed invitation to be accepted to His wedding feast.

    We also can’t think we’re special just because we’re invited. Jesus wants everyone to come to the wedding feast. If we don’t come, He’ll just get others to come.
