You are now king – by the way, the Ammonites are attacking us: 1 Samuel 10:1-11:15
Eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ: John 6:43-71
His love endures forever: Psalm 107:1-43
The tongue of the wise commends knowledge: Proverbs 15:1-3
When you first read today’s passage from John, Jesus’ words sound gruesome. “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood” from verses 54 & 56 sound like they were part of a heavy metal song. Wait…now that I think about it, those are words in a heavy metal song -- Bloodgood’s Eat the Flesh :)
Jesus was saying that we can depend on Him for real living just like the Jews in Moses’ day depended on manna from God. Those of you who’ve been reading through the Bible with us remember that God fed the Jews manna from heaven to sustain them while they wandered in the desert. God sent us Jesus to sustain us. We have to absorb Him into our lives and our way of thinking to be sustained by God.
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