Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 3 (Sunday)

May 3

Today's passage contains perhaps the most famous verse in the entire Bible. I do believe that it's wonderful that if you asked anyone if they knew a verse, even if they didn't know a lot, that most people could recite John 3:16. It can become something that becomes overly familiar, but it's the type of verse where every single word is filled with wonderful truths. God's love for the world, the basis for all of our hope. His love has actions, he "gives" when there is a high cost. We learn that Jesus is the "only begotten" son, which both declares Jesus as divine and eternal, while implying that there will be other "non-begotten" sons and daughters, that's us! "whoever believes in Him", anyone who bows before the throne of God will be accepted, none will be turned away who call upon the name of Jesus. "will not perish" Death means nothing! "but have eternal life", both eternal in never ending and eternal in being a new and rich kind of life. Wow. What a verse. But make sure to read carefully all else that precedes and follows. The conversation is with an expert in Jewish law and the conversation is all about being "born again". It is about new life, the fact that through the Holy Spirit we are totally new people. 

1 comment:

  1. You're so right, Matt. Faith in Jesus brings not only salvation, but a new way of living. There is no faith in Jesus without Jesus affecting your life.
