X-Men Origins – The Anointing of David: 1 Samuel 15:1-16:23
No condemnation, but repentance: John 8:1-20
Sit at my right hand: Psalm 110:1-7
The Lord detests the way of the wicked: Proverbs 15:8-10
In 1st Samuel we’re starting to get into a really cool part of the Bible – the history of David. David was a young lad at this point. Some say he was about 14. The anointing from a prophet represented the Holy Spirit. When a prophet would anoint someone with oil he’d pour it on that person’s head & rub it in really good like a parent washing a kid’s hair. This symbolizes a covering of the Holy Spirit that’s so complete He’s getting into all our nooks and crannies. This anointing that Samuel did to David was like reading issue # 1 of a super hero comic book, where it describes the origin of the super hero’s powers. You don’t believe that David went on to do wondrous things? Stay tuned.
And in John we read about another wondrous thing: Jesus forgiving while others condemning. It’s not all one sided, though. This story ends with Jesus telling her, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Yes, Jesus forgives us. But that same Jesus also expects us to shoot for LILYMI from here on.
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