If looking at a cave makes you think about relieving yourself, you might be a Jewish redneck: 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44
Stoning the Son of God: John 10:22-42
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice: Psalm 116:1-19
A foolish man despises his mother: Proverbs 15:20-21
Yeah, don’t be surprised if I write my comments from the Old Testament as long as we’re in 1st Samuel. I love the stuff about David, including today’s reading!
David could have easily taken advantage of the situation, but he let Saul get out of the cave alive. David saw Saul as the Lord’s anointed king. In David’s eyes, to harm the king is to blaspheme God’s anointing. Even though Saul was continuously trying to kill David, honoring the Lord’s work was more important than getting rid of a mortal danger.
No wonder that David went on to be perhaps the most beloved of all of the Jewish kings. He was truly after God’s own heart.
that is such an amazing story about David. the allegiance he showed to God made him serve him who was trying to take his life.