Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009 (Monday)

May 18
In today's passage we read about how Jesus is the true Shepherd. He talks about false shepherds who have come before.  Having this right after the story of the Pharisees makes us think about how the Pharisees were really the type of spiritual leaders who were false and leading astray.  These are even working for the side of evil, on the side of Satan. Jesus is saying that he himself is the true shepherd.  The shepherd even lays down his life for the sheep (remember yesterdays sermon?) Then Jesus speaks of "other sheep". Israel is no longer the only people to be God's own, Jesus is going to spread his kingdom his love and lordship across the whole world, calling people of all nations.

1 comment:

  1. There is no nationality or color among Jesus' sheep. The distinction between Jesus' sheep & other sheep is about who follows Jesus & who doesn't.
