Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 16 reading -- how to win a fight, and wisdom too :)

Can you imagine a worse death?  Genesis 32:13-34:31

Matthew 11:7-30

Psalm 14:1-7

Proverbs 3:19-20

Some of the stories in Genesis are so ridiculous they can be funny without trying to be funny. 

Matthew & Proverbs both speak out to me today. In Matthew, 11:17-19, Jesus tells the people of that day they were foolish for not heeding John the Baptist’s teachings of repentance & of the coming Messiah, Jesus. All they could do was come up with religious sounding logic for refuting first John the Baptist, then Jesus. Yet, as Jesus put it, wisdom is proved right by her actions.

For starters, wisdom is referred to by the female gender. When male writers of old ascribed femininity to something, they were =trying to portray it with romantic overtones to show how dear that something is. Wisdom is a precious thing.

Secondly, wisdom is an active concept. It has actions. The amount of wisdom each one of us has is not based on just what we know, it’s based on how we live what we know.

Finally, wisdom was used in God’s marvelous design of everything (today’s proverb). If wisdom is good enough for God to use, it’s certainly good enough for us too.


  1. Wow!!!! Don't get between a sister and her brothers is all I gotta say!

  2. Kind of makes you wonder what would have happened if Abraham had convinced God years before to let the mark of the convenant be a tattoo. :)
