Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 9 Reading

Pickin’ up older chicks: Genesis 20:1-22:24

The origin of one of my favorite songs: Matthew 7:15-29

The blood avenger: Psalm 9:1-12

Following wisdom: Proverbs 2:16-22

As a father, it seems crazy to think about Abraham sacrificing his son, Isaac, just because God command him to. God Himself must be just as crazy to sacrifice His Son for us. In fact, I say that it’s even stranger. Jesus’ blood was shed for us, even though we are nothing in contrast to Him.

The teaching in Matthew seems to back up the teaching from Genesis. Jesus taught that He is the rock we need to build our lives on. To hear His teachings but not actually live His teachings is to build our lives on a wobbly foundation. Abraham knew this back in Genesis. Abraham did what God said, no matter what. God came through for Him. Abraham had a LILYMI mentality (Live It Like Ya Mean It).

This goes even in our dealings with others, including those who are enemies (today’s Psalm). God is the One Who wins in the end. If we are on His side, our enemies are the ones who have to worry. Note, we don’t have to fight them.

This is the wise course to live by (today’s Proverb). Wisdom (the “It” at the beginning of verse 16). The righteous (those who are in a relationship with God through His grace) will benefit from God’s prosperity, but the wicked will not.

All 4 teachings today seem to be saying over & over LILYMI!


  1. I really liked all the readings for today!

    Two things that jumped out at me from the Gen. passage:

    Isaac's birth brought laughter to Sarah. How many days do we let go by without laughter and joy? I think that is such a great gift from God, and it's something I try to do--have joy and laughter and enjoyment in what God's given me!

    God honors Abraham because he didn't "withhold" his son from Him. I think that's the lesson in this for us...that God doesn't want us to withhold anything from Him. When we let Him have control, He is incredibly pleased with us! (and it makes our lives so much less stressful!)

  2. And, oh, one more thing:

    I have a little devotional book that I'm reading every day as well, and today's reading was on Wisdom. I thought that was cool, since the Proverbs reading for today was on wisdom.

    And they both got me to thinking about what wisdom is. I really stress education and learning, but that's not wisdom is (I've known very "smart" people who were clueless in wisdom!). Wisdom, in my thinking, is making good decisions; having discernment; using the Holy Spirit's guidance.
