Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10 (TUE) scripture reading

March 10

What is striking about this passage in Mark is how forsaken Jesus is here. The Messiah has come to rescue the world from sin and death and his own people and even his own disciples (even the most loyal) betray him.  I think we have to read this passage and realize the great pain and rejection and sacrifice Jesus made when going to that cross. On the other hand, this also shows the good news of the gospel. No matter what it took Jesus was willing to do so that we could be close to him.  He was willing to do whatever it took to see the kingdom of God triumph over the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of Satan. This season of lent is about remembering that great cost.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how easy it is to relate to Peter! We tell the Lord, “We’re with you to the end no matter what!” Then we let Him down.

    Yet, the Lord made Peter a mighty instrument in His kingdom.
