Stamping It on Your Forehead – Moses Style: Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25
Attending a Funeral – Jesus Style: Luke 7:11-35
Singing Praises to God – David Style: Psalm 68:19-35
Fruit – Proverbs Style: Proverbs 11:29-31
Wouldn’t it be cool to write in your will that when you die, Jesus is to be invited to your funeral? :)
There simply is no end to what Jesus can do! Just when you think you grasp all that Jesus is, you realize that there’s more to Him than is humanly knowable. Aren’t you glad that Jesus isn’t limited to what you were told He’d be like?
Crazy Charles interpretation of Revelation info: You know the bit in Revelation about the believers getting a 7-7-7 stamped on their foreheads, while the others who turn away from God get a 6-6-6 stamped on their foreheads? I’ve often thought that was symbolic of what we read in Deuteronomy 6:8 today. I believe when the Bible talks about stamping the Word of God on your forehead, it’s symbolically saying to live by it like it’s your creed. In Revelation, I believe the number 7 is used symbolically to mean complete. This is what the number 7 means in ancient Hebrew, when the character for number 7 is used both as a number & as a word – with the word use having the meaning “complete”. There are many teachings from many sources, but only God’s teaching is truly complete.
That's a good way of looking at the Revelation passage. Revelation is a book that really opens up the more you become familiar with the rest of scripture.