No chance of losing weight with all of these feasts: Numbers 28:16-29:40
Jesus is kin folk: Luke 3:23-38
My mighty rock: Psalm 62:1-12
Deceptive Wages: Proverbs 11:18-19
Dr. Luke recorded Jesus’ genealogy and went all the way back to Adam to point out that everyone is related to Jesus. Jesus came for all of us, not just the descendants of Jacob (the Israelites).
Where do we relate to Jesus in the family tree? I’m going to assume that all of us in FUMCH youth are either Caucasian whites or African Americans. If that’s the case, then we relate to Jesus in Luke 3:35 as descendants of Noah. Jesus and the Israeli’s (and other races) came from Noah’s son, Shem. Black folks (and other races) came from Noah’s son Ham. And white folks (and other races) came from Noah’ son Japheth.
In Dr. Luke’s day, most people knew much of their ancestry. So whoever read Luke’s book could read what we call chapter 3 and see that they relate to Jesus in some way.
interesting... yes, understanding how God came for us specifically is very important.