Teach it to your kids and grandkids: Deuteronomy 4:1-49
Fruit and rock: Luke 6:39-7:10
The chariots of God are tens of thousands: Psalm 68:1-18
The righteous will thrive like a green leaf:Proverbs 11:28
Who of us want the people around us to recognize Jesus in our lives?
Who of us want to be able to withstand the storms of life that come our way?
I hope everybody’s answer is, “Me!” Well, the way to do that is through LILYMI: Living It Like Ya Mean It. Christianity has to be more than just talk. It has to be a way of life.
In Luke, Jesus said that each tree is recognized by its fruit. What fruit do you produce? If it’s love and righteousness, people recognize you as a loving & righteous person. If you LILYMI, you promote Christianity because that’s what people around you see in you.
Then Jesus told about how to stand rock solid when bad things happen. It’s not just by knowing that Jesus is the Son of God. He said its by hearing His words and putting them into practice. That means LILYMI again. Please read through the whole Bible with us. I’d love for every one of you to be Bible geeks on steroids. But all of that Bible knowledge ain’t worth a hill of beans if you don’t live it, especially Jesus’ commands.
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