Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 4 (Wednesday) -- Getting Grapes From Your Vineyard

Howdy, gang. I'm posting the Wednesday post kinda early.

Camping: Numbers 2:1-3:51

Rejected the Cornerstone: Mark 11:27-12:17

Clap your hands: Psalm 47:1-9

What the wicked dreads: Proverbs 10:24-25

I don't suppose anyone can guess how the book of Numbers got its name. :) A little Bible geek information: Of the five books of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the book of Numbers is the only one that has the title translated to English.

Jesus’ parable of the tenants probably requires a little bit of explanation. At various times during the Old Testament, different Jewish kings would kill God’s prophets because they didn’t like God’s prophets telling them to quit worshiping idols. Perhaps the most notorious of them were Ahab & Jezebel (see 1st Kings 18). In Jesus’ parable, the vineyard owner’s servants who were beaten or killed represent the Old Testament prophets who were imprisoned or killed. The tenants of the vineyard represented the Jews during Old Testament times, who, for the most part, rejected the prophets.

Of course, the vineyard owner is God the Father & the vineyard owner’s son is Jesus. In this parable, Jesus was telling the Israeli leaders, “You messed up bad by rejecting the prophets. You’re messing up even worse by rejecting & killing me.”

We have to accept Jesus as the main representative of the Master. If we reject Him, the Master will come and teach us the folly of our ways.


  1. I think Jesus is using some sharp humor there to go after the pharisees in a not so subtle way. He knew just what to say that made them feel uncomfortable, because it was true...

    i wonder what he'd say to me?

  2. I know what He'd say to me. He'd point to me and say, "Even looney folks like Charles can go to Heaven if they believe in Me." :)
