March 27
From the passage in Luke today we learn two very important things: (1) Jesus' compassion is so good to those who know that they need forgiveness and healing. (2) Jesus' ability to heal us of all of sickness and death is magnificent. this story of the sinful woman who annoints Jesus' feet is such an incredible and humbling image. How often is my heart in the posture of this woman, both grievous of my sin, while completely filled with joy and humility because of how much Jesus has done for me. It was very encouraging to read this story today and to reflect upon the nature of our God. We will be talking about God's holiness Sunday, which i've been reflecting on lately because of the Deuteronomy passages, but we must always be filled with this overwhelming joy to know that Jesus will never leave nor forsake us. his compassion is incredible.
What I like about this story is that it shows that it doesn't matter what other people think of you. It's how Jesus sees you that's important. And Jesus sees you through the lense of someone who wants to forgive you if you accept Him as your savior.