Roll Call: Numbers 26:1-51
Home Alone – Jesus Style: Luke 2:36-52
Psalm of Warriors in Iraq: Psalm 60:1-12
Proverb – Dave Ramsey Style: Proverbs 11:15
Jesus is both fully God and fully Man. It’s fascinating to think of God in the flesh walking around down here & getting chastised by His parents for staying behind at the Temple. :) Jesus was about His father’s business because Jesus, as God, has His priorities on eternal things like our salvation.
Yet that same Jesus moved to Nazareth with his earthly parents & obeyed them (Luke 2:51). Jesus, the Son of God, obeying His earthly parents who were sinners like you & me. He did this because He was fully Man.
Jesus understands all of us because Jesus has been at our level. You don’t think Jesus’ parents told Him to do things? I’m sure Joseph & Mary were godly parents who taught Jesus to follow the many Old Testament laws we’ve been reading. And you thought you had it bad. :)
We all know that Jesus was tempted by Satan later when He was about 30. A lot of people rightly teach that Jesus, therefore, understands what it’s like for us to be tempted. But I think Jesus also understands what it’s like to be young. I don’t know if Jesus ever asked His parents, “Awww…..Do I have to?” :) But I believe Jesus understands what it’s like to have to follow someone else’s rules, live in a house they provide, and do whatever they say.
A little Bible geek info: When you read the footnotes in today’s Psalm you see that the Arameans were from Mesopotamia. That’s the old name for what we call Iraq today.
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