Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 12 (Easter Sunday) -- Can you say, "Ouch!"

I thought I’d post tomorrow’s Bible reading early so I can spend time with the family on Easter.

<---- a flint knife

A cutting experience: Joshua 5:1-7:15

God rejoices when someone joins His kingdom: Luke 15:1-32

If my people would but listen to me: Psalm 81:1-16

A wise son heeds his father’s instruction: Proverbs 13:1

It’s hard to read Joshua 5:1-8 without wincing. :) Isn’t it so good that we’re not bound by the Old Testament?

Jesus is so much better than a flint knife! In this passage of Luke, Jesus basically told the same thing over & over in different ways. Apparently, it’s a very important subject. God is always anxious for people to join His kingdom, including people who used to be part of it & wandered away (the parable of the lost son).

If you’re one of the lost, wouldn’t it be cool to have God bubbling with joy over your coming back to Him?

If you’re already part of the kingdom of God, think about the parable of the lost son for a minute. How would the father have felt about the older son if the older son had gone out and found his younger brother? Instead of feeling jealous over the lost when they come to Jesus, we should be helping them find Jesus & rejoicing with the Lord when they do.

1 comment:

  1. the story of the prodigal son is a beautiful one. We should definitely consider the great joy of the Father who rejoices over those who return to him.
