Thumb-less & Big Toe-less: Judges 1:1-2:9
Heaven & Earth Will Pass Away, But Jesus’ Words Will Never Pass Away: Luke 21:29-22:13
He Who Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High: Psalm 90:1-91:16
He Who Spares the Rod Hates His Son: Proverbs 13:24-25
The first part of this passage of Luke is really a continuation of yesterday’s passage. Jesus’ end time teachings go from Luke 21:8-36. That’s 29 verses. This must be worth talking about.
The end times & Jesus’ return are not things that’ll be regional events. They will come upon all of the earth (verse 35). We are to always be ready for Jesus’ return (verse 36).
We should live every day as though we expect Jesus to return on that day. If you knew without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was returning today, how would you live?
yes, we should live each day in that expectation...
ReplyDeleteand see, there's some interesting stuff even after getting through moses.