April 25
April 26
In these passages we continue to read of very exciting and dynamic stories of the warrior judges of Israel. There is even a song in there about a pretty tough lady named Deborah who helped "subdue" the Caananite king. There's so many interesting stories in Judges.
In Luke we read about the prayer on the Mount of Olives. Here Jesus prays to the Father that if there is any way to avoid the cross, let it happen. Yet, Jesus is more than ready to go to the cross to redeem us from our sins. He knows the pain and difficulty the cross will hold, yet he is obedience to his Father no matter what. This shows the great love Jesus had to die for the sins that we deserved the punishment for. Then we read the beginning of Jesus' passion, his arrest and the betrayal of Peter. We then read about Jesus' trial, the only time a completely innocent man would go before a judge. Ironic huh? It is Jesus who should and will one day be the true and perfect judge of all people.
I always cringe when I read about Peter denying Jesus three times. How many times have we been afraid to fess up to being Christians? I'm not talking about times we're asked, "Are you a Christian?". I'm talking about times we know we need to tell others about Christ, but we're too shy to do it.