Just one little task, Joshua – be Moses’ successor: Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27
Acknowledge the Son of Man before men: Luke 12:8-34
They kept on sinning: Psalm 78:32-55
Lying lips: Proverbs 12:21-23
The first two verses from today’s portion of Luke are from Jesus and are plain and simple. If we brag on Jesus to the people we know, Jesus will brag on us to the angels of God. However, if we’re so afraid that Christianity isn’t the cool thing to do when we’re around our pals that we downplay Jesus, then Jesus will downplay us. That’s both way cool and horrible. Jesus didn’t say that He’ll kinda sorta vouch for us if we kinda sorta vouch for Him. I promise you, there’s nothing mediocre about my Jesus!
I met a family yesterday that’s home for a few months from missionary work. They’ve been setting up underground churches and making converts in a country that heavily persecutes Christians. Their lives would be in danger if they disclosed even the country that they work in. Not even their fellow church members know which country they work in. The government follows much of Muhammed’s laws, including the part about killing Christians. Yet, they’ve served in this country for years, always risking that the next person they try to convert to Christianity will report them to the authorities.
Just something to think about the next time the Holy Spirit moves you to tell a pal of yours about Jesus, but Satan tells you not to do that because it’s not cool and you might be made fun of.
So true. When it comes to Jesus, there is no half way. He is looking for all of us or none of us. And it is always challenging to consider the great dangers that missionaries undergo for the gospel. Talking to missionaries is always a challenging experience for me.