Fooled by moldy bread: Joshua 9:3-10:43
Tree slinging faith: Luke 16:19-17:10
O God, do not keep silent: Psalm 83:1-18
Sluggards get nothing: Proverbs 13:4
Joshua 9:18 talks about what it really means to take God’s name in vain. It’s not about cussing with “God” in the cuss words, although we shouldn’t do that. It’s about swearing on an oath on the name of the Lord, then breaking the oath.
In Luke 17, Jesus taught about both humility and power. His followers wanted Him to increase their faith (verse 5). Jesus told them that even the tiniest bit of faith would do wonders. The He immediately talked about serving God with the attitude of a servant.
I believe the two topics are related. I think believing in Jesus more then you believe even physical laws will result in you serving Jesus faithfully. It’s got to be more than just coming to church because your parents bring you. It’s got to be LILYMI faith. (Live It Like Ya Mean It)
faith in the risen savior is powerful