Choose this day whom you will serve: Joshua 24:1-33
Signs of the end times: Luke 21:1-28
Even when things are bad, praise be to the Lord forever: Psalm 89:38-52
Misfortune pursues the sinner: Proverbs 13:20-23
Is Jesus the ultimate prophet or what? Let’s look at what He said concerning future events.
About 40 years after Jesus said the temple would be destroyed, guess what? It was destroyed. The Jews rebelled against the Romans, and the Romans crushed the rebellion, during which the temple was destroyed. It was destroyed so completely that today we’re not sure what exact spot it was at.
“Many will come in my name” (verse 8): About 100 years after Jesus there came a dude by the name of Bar Kokhba, who claimed to be the Messiah. He had some success in leading the Jews in a rebellion against the Romans, but he was soon crushed.
They happen in our lifetime too. Have you ever heard of David Koresh? If not, ask you parents what happened in Waco, Texas back in 1993. The bottom line: when someone claims to be the Messiah don’t believe it. When Jesus comes back it’ll happen so quickly there won’t be a chance to respond.
“But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you” (verse 12). Right after Jesus’ death the Christians were heavily persecuted. And in large part, entire regions & nations were transformed because of the persecuted Christians, like Jesus said would happen in verse 13. And it still happens today. The Christian church is growing by leaps and bounds in places where there’s heavy persecution of Christians – places like China & Iran. These Christians have a no-matter-what, no-matter-who kind of faith that’s transforming their nations.
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