April 16
I enjoyed so much today reading the section from Luke's gospel. Here is the story of the "parable of the persistent widow". This is a very clever story that Jesus uses to show the height and depth of how much we can trust God. God basically sets himself in contrast to judge who 'neither feared God nor cared about men'. This judge denies justice to a widow until he basically gets tired of her complaining and gives in. You know the trick, not that i'm condoning it!, but you want to 'go to the bathroom' when you're at school or in a lesson at youth. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, you say over and over, no, not until we're done! Until after the tenth time, okay! you can go! That's basically what this story is about (excpet the widow is asking for something quite just)... But what God is saying is that he is so much more caring than the unjust judge. The judge would give in finally if pleaded to enough. God says he is EAGER to give us justice against our adversaries. He is not begrudging but gracious. Then there are two stories, one where the pharisees look down on those whom they think inferior, and a story about children and how 'the kingdom of God belongs to such as these'... these stories are all outlining how the kingdom of God works over against the kingdom of the world.
Praying seems so easy, yet we do so little of it.