April 27

Today's passage deals with the crucifixion of the perfect lamb, Jesus Christ.
As we read, Pilate cannot find anything that Jesus has done wrong (because
it's impossible to), yet he gives into the shouts and cries of the crowd. Oftentimes
the group can be very wrong, as they are here. This mass of people have fallen
into the great mistake of believing Jesus to be worthy of death. Such are those
who Jesus died. Jesus says the amazing statement "Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they are doing". Jesus cries out in forgiveness of those very
people who are putting him to death... Simply amazing.
Then there is the criminal who cries out to Jesus for salvation, 'remember when you
come into your kingdom", Jesus answers with the most beautiful words one could
possibly hear, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise". Jesus shows
his right and desire to give salvation to all who would call on his name.
The criminal had a clear understanding of Jesus. He asked Jesus, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom." He said this even though Jesus was hanging on the cross being crucified.